A. I understand the Mentor Smartphone App (the “App”), is compatible with Apple IOS or Android devices only and the App is downloaded securely from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store straight onto the employees and family members (“Driver” or “Drivers”) cell phone. The App gathers Driver behaviour data using smart phone technology, without connecting to the vehicle’s on-boarding computer. Mentor measures harsh acceleration, braking, cornering, speed vs. posted speed limit of the road, and distraction. Speeding audio alarm is set to 79.9mph across the world.

B. I understand the App will provide feedback after every trip and a risk score on rolling 7-day average, including:

  • Overall trip Risk Rating from “Great” to “Risky” after every trip.
  • Accumulated hours/miles driven and number of trips.
  • Detailed breakdown of recorded driving behaviours for past 30 trips with access to map showing location and breakdown of recorded events (Driver view only).
  • Ability to designate each trip as either “Driver” or “Passenger”. Note: Trips designated as either “Passenger” will not be calculated in the trip scores.
  • Coaching playlist with new, short training modules delivered in App.
  • Multi-week trending charts of scores (viewable in App).
  • No individual driving behaviour, except aggregate driving data, will be disclosed to Janssen or to Johnson & Johnson.

C. I understand that Janssen and Johnson & Johnson are the “data owner” of the information (aggregate data) received from App and eDriving. (Data ownership is the act of having legal rights and complete control over a single piece or set of data elements).

D. I understand that NO location/GPS/Mapping Data will be transmitted from my cell phone to Janssen or to Johnson & Johnson.

E. I understand that GPS location data will be collected and used by the App to determine posted speed limits, as well as provide Driver feedback on the location of high-risk events. However, such data will not be integrated into the individual weekly performance reports, nor will they be included in the aggregate data (as defined below).

F. I understand that “aggregate data” will be collected and disclosed to Janssen and Johnson & Johnson for the purposes enhancing the company’s driver safety program, including developing and delivering driver training by the Safe Fleet Team. Aggregate data is data about a group of Drivers and includes driving behaviour of all Drivers participating in the App, including harsh acceleration, braking and cornering, speed vs. posted speed limit of the road, and distraction.

G. I understand that it is my responsibility to classify or flag my trips as either “Driver” or “Passenger”.

H. I understand that the App and eDriving will not share my individual driving behaviour data with anyone, except as required or permitted by applicable laws.

I. I understand that the App can work offline but will require an internet connection to upload trip data for scoring and reporting. See the Mentor Driving Guide for more details.

J. I understand the structure of the Mentor Program and the opportunities I have for the App to be removed from my smart phone.

K. I understand that by checking the box “I’ve read and accept the consent”, I have read, understood and accept the terms of this Agreement.